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警告信 warning letters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-22 06:22:05


警告信 warning letters英语短句 例句大全

警告信,warning letters

1)warning letters警告信

1.Analysis on FDA s CGMP Warning Letters of Medical Products;FDA医药产品CGMP相关警告信分析


1.sound a note of alarm/danger/warning发出警报[危险信号/警告信号]

2.threat warning receiver威胁警告信号接收机

3.differential low oil pressure warning signal差速器低油压警告信号

4.An alarm sounded on a bell.警报在钟上敲出的警告信号

5.One is a sudden or severe pain that does not go away.一种警告信号是突然产生疼痛或剧痛。

6.send an expire warning to the author %1 days before a document expires提前 %1 天给作者发送过期警告信息

7.Click here to not see this warning again.单击此处可不再见到该警告信息。

8.Show a warning before在执行以下操作之前显示警告信息

9.Use Conference Manager with no warnings使用会议管理程序时没有警告信息

10.Use Conference Manager with warnings使用会议管理程序时带有警告信息

11.Display the alarm information、 alarm menu and alarm sound in real time. Prompt the operator to pay attention to the alarm information and confirm it.实时推出告警信息、警画面、警音响。提示操作员注意告警信息并确认。

12.be sounded as a signal or warning发出信号或警告的声响

13.The Alarms list provides the following information:告警列表提供下列信息:

14.automatic-alarm-signal keying device自动告警信号键控装置

15.Multiplex Section-Alarm Indication Signal复用段告警指示信号

16.Something, such as a signal, that warns.警报能起警告作用之物或事,如信号

17.any device or object placed to give people a warning,information,etc(给人警告、信息等的)信号器或信号物

18.Rochon didn"t put much stock in the agent"s warning at the time.当时罗尚未对探员的警告十分置信。


warning letter警告信

1.Methods: Through the analysis and summarization of FDA observation report 483, how to respond to onsite observation from FDA was studied so as to avoidwarning letter.方法通过对FDA现场缺陷报告(483)的分析总结,研究接受FDA现场检查的企业如何合理答复,避免收到FDA警告信。

2.Through the statistics and comparison of thewarning letters obtained in drug,blood and biological products from FDA,the status of pharmaceutical enterprises in whole relevant industry was understood.通过对药品、血液及生物制品和医疗器械三大产业FDA所发出的警告信进行统计对比,了解制药类企业在整个行业内的状况,并重点对药品类警告信进行了统计与分析,就药品生产企业如何避免FDA警告信进行初步探讨。

3)alarm information告警信息

1.The fault management scheme of EPON system based on the SNMP protocol and the structure of B/S was designed and implemented with the technology of java, jsp and Oracle, which completes the functions such as monitoring, storage and query of faultalarm information.深入分析了故障管理系统的功能和关键技术,设计了基于SNMP协议和B/S结构的EPON故障管理系统的方案,并利用java语言、jsp技术和Oracle数据库技术实现了该方案,完成了EPON故障告警信息的监测、存储和查询等功能,最后对系统的性能进行了检测和分析。

4)Telecommunication alarm电信告警

1.There are lots of alarm data in telecommunication alarm database.电信告警数据库中保存了大量历史告警信息,在这些历史告警信息中蕴涵了许多有用的信息,这些信息反应了网络运行的规律。

5)warning message警告信息

6)warning signal告警信号



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