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警告 warning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-28 05:57:53


警告 warning英语短句 例句大全



1.The former include forced-choice format scale,warning,bogus pipeline.前者包括迫选式量表,警告及假渠道技术等,后者包括作假识别量表,IRT及反应时识别技术等。

2.In view of too much passive defence andwarning given for wrestlers of China,this paper has put forword suggestions to strengthen the d.鉴于我国运动员被判消极和被警告次数过多 ,建议平时加大体能训练的力度 ,加大国内比赛裁判员执法的力


1.Cautionary advice or warning.劝告,警告劝人谨慎的建议或警告

2.Warnings were issued by the police警方发出了书面警告。

3.give a caution to(sb)对(某人)给予警告

4.a word/a few words of advice,sympathy,warning一些劝告、同情、警告的话.

5.alarmist warnings,forecasts,etc危言耸听的警告,预告等

6.advance dangerous bend warning plate预告危险弯道警告牌

7.navigational warning for Indian Ocean印度洋航海警告印度洋航行警告

8.navigational warning area航行警告海区无线电航行警告海区

9.Police warned the public to be on the alert for suspected terrorists.警方警告群众警惕涉嫌的恐怖分子。

10.A punishment given as a warning or deterrent.警戒,警告作为警告或阻止而做出的惩罚

11.To counsel(another) against something to be avoided; caution.警告某人劝告(他人)不要做应避免的事;警告

12.He warned me against pickpockets.他警告我要提防扒手。

13.He warns them to mind the door .他警告他们小心门。

14.make a bell sound to call,warn,etc sb鸣铃召唤、警告...某人

15.Give sb anadvance warning or hint事先给某人警告或暗示

16.I warn you not to get old.我要警告你们不要衰老。

17.a person who alarms others needlessly.不必要地警告他人的人。

18.Warning unrecognized character set `警告无法识别字符`



1.Realized the real-time transmission ofalarm signal for exchanger dispatching equipment;调度交换机告警信号的实时传送分析

2.The maintenance of batteries for communication power supply andtransmitting thealarm signal caused by AC losing electricity;通信电源的蓄电池组维护和交流失电告警上送

3.Study on Technique of Incremental Mining in Telecommunication Network Alarm Databases;电信网告警数据库中的增量式挖掘技术研究


1.Analysis About Warning System of C&C08 Exchanger and Designing & Realization of Remote ControlC&C08交换机告警系统分析及远程控制

2.Based on the limitations of ARM,anti-ARM techniques of radar including the systems design ideas for radar,warning and decoy,electronic jamming to ARM are emphatically introduced on radar frequency bands,the new radar system,counter-reconnaissance design of radar signal,the new techniques and the new tactics.基于对ARM局限性的分析,从雷达工作频段、新体制、雷达信号的反侦察设计、新技术及战术运用等方面着手,对雷达抗ARM技术的总体设计思路、ARM的告警和诱偏、ARM的电子干扰措施等方面进行了重点论述。

3.Laserwarning receiver is an important part in opto-electronic countermeasure,plays an important role in modern war.激光告警接收机是光电对抗的重要组成部分,在现代战争中起着重要的作用。


1.The Manhole Cover High-voltage Alert-system and Earthing Equipment of the Locomotive;机车车顶人孔盖高压告警联动接地装置

2.Research and Application of Alert in ATC;空管系统中告警技术的应用研究

3.However,there still lie some problems in IDS,of which a critical one is thealert information seems too simple,and the users are hardly to know the key point of network attack,which makes it difficult for the developing of IDS.然而,IDS在可用性、易用性方面还存在着较大的问题,其中一个方面表现在IDS提供的告警信息过于简单,基于这些信息用户难以对攻击的特点有全面清晰的认识,从而给IDS的发展带来了困难。

5)switch fault report告警报告

6)To admonish;warn.告诫;警告



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