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手札 letters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-27 01:59:24


手札 letters英语短句 例句大全



1.The Disscussion About the Value of《Theletters of Famous People in Ming Dynasty》;略论宝蒙堂藏《明代名贤手札》的史料价值

2.Hisletters which are written in the free form, therefore this form often reflects the true style of the author.手札是书写形式里面最自由的一种,因此这种形式往往更能体现作者书法的真实风貌。

3.Chen Lanbin\"s nineletters to Zhu Xueqin were written between spring of 1869 and early fall of 1871,concerning Chen\"s work and thoughts during the time.陈兰彬致朱学勤手札九件,写于1869年春至1871年初秋之间。


1.Maintenance Note of Fresenius 4008B Hemodialysis Machine费森尤斯4008B血透机维修手札

2.An Explanation of Bian Baodi s Letter to Ding Richang;解读卞宝第致雨生手札——与《清实录》、《清史稿》印证

3.The Disscussion About the Value of《The letters of Famous People in Ming Dynasty》;略论宝蒙堂藏《明代名贤手札》的史料价值

4.Reading of Chen Lanbin"s Correspondence with Zhu Xueqin位卑未敢忘忧国——读陈兰彬致朱学勤手札九件

5.Since the Spirit is Great, Nothing Cannot Be Attained--Aesthetic Judgment About ZHANG Yu-zhao s Letters on Study;气之既昌 无之不合——对张裕钊《论学手札》中书法气息的审美观照

6.A Great Contribution to the Study of Huizhou Literature;徽州学研究的重大贡献 《明代徽州方氏亲友手札七百通考释》读后记

7.We Are Growing up in the Interpretation and Rehearsal of the Master"s Classics--A director"s notebook for the play"Othello"在解读大师和排演经典中成长——话剧《奥赛罗》导演手札

8.Marx s Contribution to the Western Aesthetics--Reading Notes on the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts in 1844;马克思与西方美学——读《1844年经济学哲学手稿》札记

9.The Reality of Category and Beauty--Study record of Economics in 1844-philosophy manuscript;类与美的现实性——《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》学习札记

10.Besides, the little rascal liked to meddle in other people"s business.Fortunately, every precaution had been taken, and none of the letters had fallen into Hsiao-ch"eng"s hands.并且那小鬼爱管闲事,亏得防范周密,来往信札没落在他手里。

11.Coexistence of "Two Logics" and Interweave of "Two Contexts"--Notes on The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844;“二种逻辑”的并存与“双重语境”的交织——《1844年经济学哲学手稿》研读札记

12.On Marx s Natural Aesthetics--One of the Reading Notes of Marx s Economics and Philosophy of the Year 1844;马克思自然美论刍议——学习马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》札记之一

13.Marx s View on Perfect Personality--Reading Notes on The Economic Philosophy Manuscript of 1844;马克思理想人格思想的启示——读《1844年经济哲学手稿》札记

14.Outreach“Original Communism” -Learn and Research on Marx s 1844 Economics-Philosophy;超越“粗陋的共产主义”——学习马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》札记

15.Philosophy and Tactics on Participative Leadership Development--Reading notes on The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development(2thE)参与式领导力发展的理念与策略——读《领导力发展手册》的札记

16.The Handicraft Industry and the Pariah in the Pre-democracy Reform in Tidet Ngari:taking Phulan and Drada counties as Example;民主改革前西藏阿里地区的手工业以及“贱民”问题——主要以普兰、札达两县为例

17.Why Did Einstein Make Negative Appraise About Engels Manuscriptof Dialectics of Nature?;对恩格斯《自然辩证法》手稿评价:爱因斯坦缘何出错——自然辩证法史学习札记

18.The Accurate Writing Dates of Bonze Hongyi’s 14 Unpublished Letters;《弘一法师未刊书札》系年及校读札记


Letters on Study《论学手札》

1.Since the Spirit is Great, Nothing Cannot Be Attained——Aesthetic Judgment About ZHANG Yu-zhao sLetters on Study;气之既昌 无之不合——对张裕钊《论学手札》中书法气息的审美观照

3)"Cultivates Far Hall Personally written letter Festival To want"《培远堂手札节要》


1.Read TheLetter of Additional Promotion to Wang Desheng;解读《拔补外委王得胜札》


1.Evaluation of the Risk of Geological Disaster for Construction Item and Control Measure of Baer toZhada Road in Ali Area of Tibet;西藏阿里地区巴尔至札达公路改建工程地质灾害危险性综合评估及防治对策

2.Preliminary Study on Two New Ophiolite Belts in Qusong ofZhada County, Western Tibet;西藏札达曲松一带两条蛇绿岩带的初步研究

6)Reading notes札记

1.A Reading Notes of Super-parameterEstimation Among state space Analysis;关于状态空间方法中超参数估计的札记

2.This article was reading notes about Taixuan,the department of literature research.本文是一篇阅读《太玄》的读书札记,系文献研究。

3.The paper intends to say something about the topic based on reading notes、 school-base research、 lesson prearations and so on.教师专业发展问题一直是教育界的重要课题之一,而反思也成为新课改中使用频率很高的一个词,但作为语文教师究竟怎样进行反思从而真正促进自身专业发展,这一课题的研究并不是太多,本论文试图从教师日常的说课、评课、札记和校本教研四个方面,作一点浅显的探索和思考。



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