天天育儿网 > 【茶艺表演解说词】英语:英语乌龙茶茶艺表演解说词由于工作原因常常接待外宾却苦于...


时间:2021-11-10 21:45:05




英语:英语乌龙茶茶艺表演解说词由于工作原因常常接待外宾却苦于无法用英语沟通茶艺方面.现在请大家帮忙把这篇乌龙茶茶艺表演解说词翻译成英语,(不要用翻译软件啊,那些用过了,我的水平都能看出它别扭!)翻译出来了,如果在成都请他喝茶.以表谢意呵呵.翻译下面这段:乌龙茶茶艺解说词第一道:焚香静气,活煮甘泉 焚香静气,就是通过点燃这支香,来营造祥和、肃穆、无比温馨的气氛.希望这沁人心脾的幽香,使大家心旷神怡,也但愿您的心能伴随着这支悠悠袅袅的香烟,升华到高雅而神奇的境界.活煮甘泉,即用旺火来煮沸壶中的山泉水.第二道:孔雀开屏,叶嘉酬宾 孔雀开屏是向同伴展示自己的羽毛,我们借助这道程序,向各位嘉宾介绍我们工艺精湛的功夫茶具.“叶嘉”是苏东坡对茶叶的美称,叶嘉酬宾,就是请大家鉴赏乌龙茶的外观形状.第三道:大彬沐淋,乌龙入宫 大彬是明代制作紫砂壶的一代宗师,它所制作的紫砂壶被历代茶人叹为观止,视为至宝,所以后人都把名贵的紫砂壶称为大彬壶.大彬沐淋就是用开水浇烫茶壶,其目的是洗壶和提高壶温.我们把乌龙茶放入紫砂壶内称为乌龙入宫.第四道:高山流水,春风拂面 冲泡乌龙茶讲究“高冲水,低斟茶.”高山流水即悬壶高冲,借助水的冲力使茶叶在茶壶内随水浪翻滚达到洗茶的目的.“春风拂面”是指用壶盖轻轻地刮去冲水时所翻起的白色泡沫,使壶内的茶汤更加清澈洁净.第五道:乌龙入海,重洗仙颜 品乌龙茶讲究“头泡汤,二泡茶,三泡、四泡是精华”.头泡茶汤我们一般不喝,而是用来烫洗杯具,我们将剩余的茶汤注入茶海,因为茶汤呈琥珀色,从壶口流向茶海好似蛟龙入海,所以称之为乌龙入海.“重洗仙颜”第二次冲泡.这次冲水需加盖后用热水浇淋壶的外部,这样内外加温有利于茶香的散发.第六道:玉液回壶,再注甘露 把紫砂壶中的茶汤注入公道杯中,称之为“玉液回壶、再注甘露” 第七道:祥龙行雨,凤凰点头 将公道杯中的茶汤快速均匀地斟入闻香杯中,称为“祥龙行雨”,取其“甘露普降”的吉祥之意.当公道杯中的茶汤所剩不多时则应改为点斟的手法,这里形象地称之为“凤凰点头”,以示向嘉宾行礼致敬.第八道:龙凤呈祥,鲤鱼翻身 将品茗杯倒扣在闻香杯上,称为龙凤呈祥.把紧扣的杯子翻转过来,称为鲤鱼翻身.中国古代神话传说:鲤鱼翻身越过龙门可化龙升天而去.我们借助这道程序祝福大家家庭和睦,事业飞黄腾达!第九道:捧杯献礼,敬奉香茗 这道程序是通过敬茶使大家心贴的更近,感情更亲近,气氛更融洽.第十道:鉴赏双色,喜闻高香 将闻香杯以轻旋的方式轻轻提起,双手拢杯闻香.喜闻高香是指闻头泡的茶香,看看这头泡茶汤是否香高新锐而无异味.鉴赏汤色是观赏品茗杯中的茶汤是否清亮、艳丽、呈淡黄色.第十一道:三龙护鼎,初品奇茗 用拇指、食指夹杯、中指托住杯底,这样拿杯既稳当又雅观.三指喻为三龙,茶杯喻为鼎,被称为三龙护鼎.女士可以兰花指持杯.初品奇茗是品茶三品中的第一品.茶汤入口后不要马上咽下,而是吸气,使茶汤在口腔中翻滚流动,让茶汤与舌根、舌尖、舌面、舌侧的味蕾都充分接触,以便能更精确地品悟出奇妙的茶味来.初品奇茗主要是品这泡茶的火功,看看是否“老火”或“生青 第十八道:以茶献福,尽杯谢茶 鲁迅先生曾说:“有好茶喝,会喝好茶是一种清福.”最后,以茶献福祝各位多福多寿、常饮常乐,愿我们以茶为友、永结茶缘第十三道:二品云腴,喉底留甘 “二品云腴”即品第二道茶.二品主要是品茶汤的滋味,看茶汤过喉是鲜爽、平滑,还是生涩、平和.第十四道:三斟石乳,荡气回肠 三斟石乳是指斟第三道茶.“石乳”是元代的一种贡茶,后来用来比喻乌龙茶.荡气回肠是第三次闻香,这次闻香与前两次不同而是用口大口吸入茶香,然后像抽香烟一样,从鼻腔呼出,这样可以使茶香直灌脑门,全身心地感受茶香,因此形象地称之为“荡气回肠”.第十五道:含英咀华,领悟茶韵 “含英咀华”即品第三道茶.这次品茶称之为咬茶.清代大才子袁枚在品茶时曾说:“品茶应含英咀华并徐徐咀嚼而体贴之” 其中英和华都是花的意思,所以品茶时嘴里应像含着小花一样慢慢咀嚼,细细回味.第十六道:君子之交,水清味美 “君子之交淡如水”,而那淡中之味恰似品完了三道浓茶之后,再来喝一杯白开水.将白开水含在嘴里不可急咽下,而应当像含英咀华那样慢慢玩味.咽下白开水后,再张口吸一口气,这时你一定会感到满口生津、回味甘甜、 无比舒畅.此是“此时无茶胜有茶”的感觉.这道程序反映了人生的哲理:平平淡淡才是真.


【答案】 妤间富浣犵湡鐗?

Oolong tea Commentary

First:incense static gas,live cooking Oasis

Incense static gas,is through the light Zhe Zhi Hong,to create a peaceful,solemn,extremely warm atmosphere.

Hope that the refreshing of the fragrance,so we relaxed and happy,and I hope your heart can accompany a fleet Yau

Yau curl of cigarettes,raising it to the elegant and magical realm.Oasis live cooking,or stir to boiling pot

The mountain spring water.

Second:the peacock,Ye Jia bargain

Peacock to show their feathers companion,and we with this practice,introduced to the ladies and gentlemen,

We process masterly tea.

Ye Jia is Sus reputation on the tea leaves Ka bargain,that is,please appreciate the appearance of the shape of tea.

The third:The Mu Bin Lin,oolong palace

Big Bin is a master of the Ming Dynasty made Teapot,teapot making it through the ages who sigh for the concept of tea

Only,as a treasure,so precious Teapot descendants regarded as a large bin pot.Lin Mu Bin is to use large

Open irrigated hot pot,with the aim of washing pots and the pot temperature increased.

We referred to as Oolong tea into the teapot palace.

Fourth Road:High Mountain and Flowing,spring breeze was blowing

Oolong tea brewing stress high flush,low-a tea. High Mountain and Flowing Water that is red hanging pot,with water

Momentum to make tea in the teapot with water waves rolling in to wash the purpose of tea.

Spring breeze was blowing, is flush with the lid and gently scrape off the white foam when it flips to pot

More clear and clean the tea.

Fifth Road:Oolong into the sea,heavy wash Sin Yan

Oolong tea products stress the first hot springs,two tea,three bulbs,4 bulbs is essential. Tea soup as we head

Like do not drink,but for hot wash cups,

We will sea the remaining tea into the tea,because tea is amber,the flow of tea from the spout as if the sea Jiao

Long into the sea,so called oolong tea into the sea.

Heavy wash Sin Yan second brewing.After this flushing must be stamped pot with hot water poured over the outside of this

Internal and external heating benefit the dissemination of tea.

Sixth Road:Yuye back to pot,and then inject nectar

The teapot into the fair cup of tea,known as the Yuye back pot,and then note manna

Seventh Road:dragon-line rain,Phoenix nod

Quick cup of tea will be fair even to pour into the aroma cup,known as the dragon-line Rain,whichever

Heavy dew auspicious intended.

Fair cup of tea when the few remaining hours should be changed to point the way as appropriate,where the image to call

Phoenix nodded,to show courtesy to the guests to pay tribute.

Eighth Road:Dragon and Phoenix,carp turning

The tea cup cup upside down on the smells,known as the Dragon and Phoenix.To closely cup upside down,as

Carp turn over.

Ancient Chinese myths and legends:carp turning over the gantry can be of dragon heaven away.With this we

Road program I wish you all family harmony,the cause of The Apprentice!

9th Road:cup tribute,worship tea

This practice is to offer tea to everyone through the hearts of the more recent,feeling closer,more harmonious atmosphere.

10th Road:appreciation of color,hi smell of Hong

The aroma cup to light the way gently spin,cup fingers and smells.Hi Wen Wen Gao Hong is the first bubble

Tea,tea and soup to see if this is the first Hong high cutting-edge without odor.

Appreciation of tea liquor color is the cup of tea watching it clear,and bright,light yellow.

11th Road:Third Lung Care tripod,the early Ming Qi products

Thumb,index finger clip cup,push up the middle finger bottom of the cup,so take another cup of both secure decency.Described as three three-finger

Long,cup described as Ding,ding protection known as dragons.Cup holders,and women orchid fingers.

Qi Ming is the first product in the first tea Mishina products.Do not swallow immediately after the entrance of tea,but breathing,

Making tea in the rolling movement of the mouth,so tea and tongue,tongue,tongue,lingual taste buds are fully

Sub-contact in order to realize more precise products to the wonderful flavor of tea.

Qi Ming early products are mainly tea product that fire power,to see if the old fire or Youth Health

18th Road:Xian-Fu tea,make cups of tea Xie

Mr.Lu Xun once said:There is good tea to drink,will drink tea is a Kiyofuku. Finally,tea Xianfu

I wish you good fortune,regular consumption of a variety music,we would like to make friends with tea,tea edge of forever

13th Road:at the second cloud sweet,willing to stay late laryngeal

Sweet cloud of the second, that is second tea products.Second,the main product is the taste of tea products,tea look is fresh off jets

Cool,smooth,or jerky,mild.

14th Road:3 pour milk stone,soul-stirring

3 refers to pour milk pour stone of the third tea.Stone Milk is a tribute tea Yuan Dynasty,and later used to mean Ukraine

Long tea.Soul-stirring is the third smells,

The smells but with two different tea with mouth inhalation,and then the same as cigarette smokers,from the nose

Cavity breath,this could make tea direct irrigation forehead,

Wholeheartedly feel tea,so vividly as soul-stirring.

15th Road:with the British Tsui Wah,comprehension of Tea

Tsui Chinese with English that product of the third tea.The tea is called bite tea.Qing Yuan Mei Tai wit in goods

Tea had said:British Tsui Chinese tea should be included,and slowly chewing and thoughtful of the

Britain and China which are the meaning of flowers,the tea should be,as his mouth when the mouth and chew slowly,like flowers,

Thin aftertaste.

16th Road:Junzizhijiao,discerning taste

Hedge between keeps friendship,and that the taste is like a light in the finished product,after three strong tea,come back and drink a

Cup of boiled water.Will not be hastily boiled water in her mouth and swallow

But should be as slow as with the British Tsui China pondering.Swallow boiled water,then open mouth breath,then

You will feel mouthful fluid,sweet aftertaste,

Extremely comfortable.This is a win at this time there was no tea,tea feeling.This practice reflects the philosophy of life

:Nothing exciting is true.



