天天育儿网 > 【恩波沈阳分校】四级辅导班短文答案(二)


时间:2018-09-08 03:04:00




Passage One

When an object is placed in water, "two forces act on it. One of them is a downward force caused by the Earth"s pull. The other one is an upward force caused by the upthrust of the water on the object. This upward force is equal to the weight of water displaced by the object. The larger the object, the more water it can displace* and the greater the upward force will be.

A small, heavy object will usually sink in water. Since the object is small, it displaces a small amount of water and so there is only a small upward force. Because the object is heavy, the downward force due to the Earth"s pull will be great. When the downward force is greater than the upward force, the object sinks.

You often see large ships and boats floating in the sea or in rivers. Can you explain why these large and heavy objects do not sink?

1. What will happen if a small, heavy object is placed in water? B

2. When will an object sink in water C

3. If an object is placed in water, what will happen? A

Passage Two

Researchers have discovered a link between drinking and thinking. A moderate amount of alcohol may help us keep our mental abilities as we age. Brain scans show alcohol abuse kills brain cells. But little is known about the effects of life-long drinking. So moderate drinkers may want to toast new findings from researchers at Duke, and Indiana University. Dr. Joe Christian of Indiana University says men who have one or two drinks each day retain slightly stronger comprehension skills than the non-drinker or the heavy drinker. The doctor and his colleagues gave mental tests to nearly 4,000 male twins between the age of 66 and 76. The moderate drinkers had slightly better reasoning ability than their brothers who drink more or less. Other studies have found that alcohol in moderation can help the heart. But alcohol abuse can cause bone loss and other health problems. This study was presented at an alcoholism meeting in San Antonio.

4. What has recent research found out about drinking? C

5. How would moderate drinkers feel about the new research findings? B

6. Where was the result of the study first made public? A

Passage Three

How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space requirements are not adequately met? Sociologists and psychologists are conducting experiments on rats to try to determine the effects of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have adequate living space, they eat well, sleep well, and reproduce well. However if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior patterns and even their health perceptibly change. They cannot sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and tension become obvious. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is adequate space not only desirable, but essential for human survival?

7. For what purpose did the scientists conduct the experiments on rats? B

8. When the rats become overcrowded, which one of the behavior patterns is NOT shown in the

experiment? C

9. What did the experiments prove? D


Passage One

In the early 1800"s a new kind of power changed transportation and trade along the Mississippi River. This power was steam. People already knew how to use steam engines to

run machines. Some people wanted to move boats in the same way. The first steamboat to

travel on the Mississippi was the "New Orleans". It made its first trip in 1811, It was a great

success, and by 1819 there were 191 steamboats traveling on the river. In the past the

farmers whose products went to other parts of the country used the steamboats. The manufactures also used the steamboats, whose trade depended on cheap and easy transportation. Today

many tourists come to travel on steamboats

1. What was the new kind of power that appeared in the early 1800? C

2. How many steamboats were there traveling on the Mississippi by 1819? C

3. Who uses stemboats today?


Passage Two

Do you know that there is a kind of bird that can sew? This bird. called the "tailor bird", uses its mouth as a needle. It sews leaves together in the shape of cup. Then it adds a layer of straw to the inside of the cup and lays its eggs there. Each bird species builds its own special kind of nest. The most common materials used for nests are grasses, branches and feathers. A bird must weave these materials into a nest. Just imagine building a house without cement or nails to hold it together. Another bird is called the "weaver bird". The weaver bird builds a nest that looks like a basket. The nest shaped like a pail with a hole in the middle. The hole is the door of the nest. A third bird is called the "oven bird". The oven bird makes a nest that is very solid. The nest is made of mud. The oven bird forms the mud into the shape of an oven and then mud is dried by the sun. The sun bakes the mud, making it very hot. Not all birds make their homes on branches, some birds build their nests on the ground, while others lay their eggs under the ground, and some birds do not build nests at all. So when you look for nests and eggs on the branches of the trees and bushes, remember that some nests may be right under your sheets.

4. What does the nest built by a tailor bird look like? B

5. Why is there a hole in the weaver bird’s nest? B

6. What is the oven bird’s nest made of ? C

Passage Three

On the area weather map, most stations in southern Michigan are still reporting sunny skies. It’s seventy-three degrees at Lansing. Chicasgo is reporting light showers. South Bend is cloudy as the cloudiness moves in from the southwest.

The temperature at Ann Arbor airport in degrees Celsius is twenty-three point three- That"s seventy-four degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. Sixty-six degrees is the water temperature of the lake with winds gusting at twenty knots.

And now for the extended forecast. For tonight, we expect partly cloudy conditions and mild temperatures with tonight"s low about sixty degrees and only a twenty percent chance of any showers this evening. Tomorrow morning* look for mostly cloudy conditions with a seventy percent chance of showers and thundershowers continuing into the evening. It looks like it will be a mild, but rainy weekend.


Passage One

“I’m seventy years old,” says the gray-haired lady proudly to a man.

“Did you hear that, everyone?” says the man to the people in the room. "This lovely lady is just seventy years young! And she doesn"t look a day over fifty. "

He has been careful not to use the word "old". In a society where youth is so admired, old age is often seen as something sad, something to fight against. Americans prefer not to say "old people. " They use the expression "senior citizens. " They do not talk about "old people"s" homes, but "retirement" homes.

In fact, the man is not so wrong. Seventy is not very old these days. People in the U. S. are living longer and longer. In 1980, 12 percent of Americans were over sixty-five years old. By 2030, 21 percent will be over sixty-five. Improved medical care means that people are living longer.

However, Americans are no longer happy to accept the gray hair, bald heads, and boring

clothes of their own parents. American women spend millions of dollars a year on operations to lift their faces and make those ugly wrinkles disappear. Men are prepared to spend even more on operations to plant new hair on their bald heads, It"s worth any money to look young.

1. Why do Americans prefer to use the expression “senior citizen”? A

2. Which of these s direct reason for Americans’ longer life? A

3. Why do Americans spend millions of dollars on their faces? D

Passage Two

After retiring from 30 years of teaching, Ethbell Pepper could easily have decided to sit back and relax and enjoy a peaceful retirement. But that kind of life is not for Ethbell Pepper. "I just wanted to do something different. If you are going to participate in life, do it. Don"t just sit down and look out the window. " she says. At 68, she decided to become one of the pioneer participants in a program at the university of California- The program offers campus housing and classes to people over sixty. She enrolled in a class called Human Relationships and Diverse Society. "I taught my minority students in my English class and drama classes in high school for 30 years. But in this course, I found out a lot about other cultures I didn"t know then. One of the most important lessons that I"m learning is to perceive? not to judge. " Older adults can add to the educational resources of a university by bringing with"• them a lot of valuable experience. Their presence on campus helps break some long held believes of aging. Young students may have fears of growing older. But that kind of fear can be reduced as they see that older people can be active, healthy, and continue to contribute to society. The younger students can begin to see aging as a natural part of living.

4. What dud Ethbell do when she was 68? C

5. How long did Ethbell teach minority students? B

6. what do elderly people do to the university? A

7. What’s the most important lesson Ethbell is learning? D

Passage Three

What will man be like in the future-----in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess. of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.

Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume or take it as true that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain"s capacity. As Time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more -— and eventually we shall need larger ones! Tin"s is likely to bring about a physical change too; the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact. we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have lo wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man"s eyes will grow stronger.

8. What is the reason for believing that future man will be different? B

9. Why will people’s heads eventually grow larger? B

10. What will future man p0robably be like? C


Test One

Passage 1

The final exam will be held next Thursday,the last day of the exam week. Remember to bring along two or three pens in case you run out of ink. Unlike the mid-term, this test will nut include multiple-choice questions. You"ll have to answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will cover all of the subject matter we"ve learned in class. I would suggest you review your mid-terms as well as the text book and your class notes. The final will account for 50% of your grade in the course. The research project will account for 20%, and the mid-term 30%. I"ll be in my office almost all day on Tuesday next week. It you run into any problems,please feel free to drop in. Good luck with your studying,and I"ll see you on Thursday.

1: When will the exam take place? (C)

2: What should the students bring with them to the exam ? (D)

3: What percentage will the research project account for? (A)

Passage 2

Even though conflict can cause problems in the workplace. we cannot assume that all conflict is bad for business. Some social scientists speak of "conflict management" as a chance to improve products or ideas.

One benefit from conflict is the improved thinking that may arise from competing among work areas. Just as in sports, weaknesses are detected and strengths are revealed. In academic circles, the conflicts of minds and thinking is seen as a means of protecting truth and exposing error. In business, likewise, one department may point out weaknesses in another. Or, a dispute over two choices may start a search for a better third choice that pleases all concerned.

Unfortunately? hostile feelings and ill-will can remain after many conflicts. Hostile feelings cancel out the good results that might otherwise grow out of such conflict. This suggests the value of controlling conflict. This control of conflict can lead to desired outcomes — better ideas and increased productivity.

4: Is conflict beneficial? according to the speaker? (A)

5: What is not a benefit of conflict? (C)

6: What can be done to prevent hostile feelings after conflict? (C)

Passage 3

The United States is a country made up of many different races. Usually they are mixed together and can not be told one from another. But many of them still talk about where their ancestors came from. It is something they are proud of.

The original Americans, of course? were the Indians. The so-called white men who then came were mostly from England. But many came from other countries like Germany and France.

One problem the United States has always had is discrimination. As new groups came to the United States they found they were discriminated against. First it was the Irish and Italians. Later it was the blacks. Almost every group has been able to eventually escape this discrimination. The only immigrants who have not are the blacks. Surprisingly enough, the worst discrimination today is shown towards the Indians.

One reason the Indians are discriminated against is that they have tried so hard to keep their identity. Of course they are not the only ones who have done so. The Japanese have their Little Tokyo in Los Angeles and the Chinese have Chinatown in New York. The Dutch settlement in Pennsylvania also stays separate from other people. Their towns are like something from the 19th century. They have a different reason than the other groups for staying apart. They live separately for religious reasons rather than keeping together in a racial group.

Although some groups have kept themselves separate and others have been discriminated against, all groups have helped make the United States a great country. There is no group that has not helped in some way. And there is no group that can say they have done the most to make it a great country.

Many people still come from other countries to help the United States grow. A good example is the American project that let a man walk on the moon. It was a scientist from Germany who was most responsible for doing that. It"s certain that in the future the United States will still need the help of people from all racial groups to remain a great country.

7: Where did most of the first white men in the United States come from? (D)

8: Which group of Americans is discriminated against the most? (A)

9:Why did the Dutch live separately in Pennsylvania? (C)

10:Where was the man from who helped Americans walk on the moon? (B)

Test Two

Passage 1

In America, where labour costs are so high, "do it yourself" is a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own garages, even rebuild their own houses. Soon many of them will also be writing their own books. In Hollywood there is a company that publishes children"s books with the help of computers. Although other book companies also publish that way, this company is not like the others. It allows the reader to become the leading character in the story with the help of computers. Here is how they do it. Let us suppose a child is named jenny. She lives in New York, and has a dog named Hody. The computer uses this information to make up a story with pictures. The story is then printed up. The child who receives such a book might say, "this book is about me," so the company calls itself the "Me Books Publishing Company. "

Children like the Me-Books because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets. But more important, in this way, readers are much more interested in reading the stories. Me-books are helping children to learn how to read.

1: Why do Americans do most things themselves? . (B)

2: What distinguishes this company from the others? (D)

3: What are the "Me-books"? (B)

Passage 2

How many men do housework? Recently, a European commission tried to find out people"s ideas and reactions to the women"s movement. As part of their survey, they asked many men and women the question, "Who does the housework?" The men answered very differently from the women I

The housework they asked people about was; preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and babysitting. Forty-eight percent of British husbands said they did these kinds of housework. Thirty-seven percent of Danish men helped in the house. Fifteen percent of Italian men said they did the housework.

But there was an interesting point of view from the wives. According to British wives, only 38% of their husbands help in the house. And Italian wives complained that their husbands hardly ever help. The Italian and British men did not tell the truth! The commission found that Danish men were the most truthful husbands; their answers were the same as their wives.

4: What did the European commission try to find out? (B)

5: Which kind of house work was not mentioned in the survey? (B)

6: Who seem to help more at home, according to the passage? (A)

Passage 3

On May 19, 1973, Thomas Bradley, a black man, was elected mayor of Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the third largest city in the United States, with a population of three million. About sixteen percent of the city"s population are black.

News of this election appeared on the front pages of newspapers everywhere in the United Stales.

Bradley called his victory " the fulfillment of a dream. " During his childhood and youth people had kept telling him, "You cannot do this, you can"t go there, because you are a Negro. Nevertheless he had won a decisive victory over a man who had been mayor of the city for three times. Bradley had won 56. 3 percent of the vote.

Los Angeles voters have had many opportunities to judge Thomas Bradley and to form an opinion of him. The son of a poor farmer from Texas, he joined the Los Angeles police force in 1940. During his twenty-one years on the police force he earned a law degree by attending school at night.

In Los Angeles, thousands of white citizens voted for Thomas Bradley because they believed he would be a better mayor than the white candidate.

7: What percentage of the people are black in Los ?Angeles? (A)

8. How did people treat Thomas Bradley during his childhood and youth? (B)

9. How many terms of years had the previous city’s mayor served? (B)

10. Why did Los Angeles voters elect Thomas Bradley mayor of Los Angeles? (C)

