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育儿压力 parenting stress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-22 00:25:17


育儿压力 parenting stress英语短句 例句大全

育儿压力,parenting stress

1)parenting stress育儿压力

1.Maternalparenting stress and related factors in mothers of 6-month infants;婴儿母亲育儿压力及相关影响因素分析

2.Investigation of maternalparenting stress of mothers with 6-month infants6个月婴儿母亲育儿压力调查

3.Methods: Questionnaires consisting of "Parenting Stress Questionnaire" and "Nurture Environment In the Community Evaluation " were used and 180 Chinese mothers and 130 Japanese mothers their childe child aged from one to three were invested.目的通过中日跨文化比较,探讨了不同育儿环境对母亲育儿压力的影响。


1.Influencing Factors of Parenting Stress Among Mothers婴幼儿母亲育儿压力的影响因素分析

parison of The Factor Affecting the Mother’s Parenting Stress During 0~3 year-old infant Between China and Japan中日0~3岁婴幼儿母亲育儿压力影响因素的研究

3.Effects of parenting stress and daily activities of parents on infantile temperament父母养育压力及日常活动对婴儿气质的影响

4.isolette negative pressure apparatus早产婴儿负压保育设备

5.Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on motor function and intelligence development of infants with brain injury高压氧对婴幼儿脑损伤运动功能和智力发育的影响

6.The research of child stress should be benefit to enrich our preschool education theory, and guide our child education practice.借鉴爱尔坎德的儿童压力说有利于丰富我国学前教育理论,指导教育实践。

7.EMR (educable mentally retarded)可教育的智力迟钝儿童

8.The Research on the Parents" Pressure and Respondent Solutions from Autism Children in Recovery Education--from the perspective of "caring the care"康复教育中孤独症儿童家长的压力及其因应方式研究——基于照顾照顾者视角

9.even a small amount of stress can cause problems.哪怕一丁点儿压力也会导致问题。

10.A Study on the Occupational Pressure and Its Factors Effecting of Preschool Teachers;幼儿教师职业压力及其影响因素研究

11.Focus on Learning Stress of Chinese Children:the Puzzledom and the Way out;聚焦中国儿童学习压力:困境与出路

12.Construction of Questionnaire on Mental Stress of Parents with Disabled Children;《残疾儿童父母心理压力问卷》的编制

13.Analysis the stress scale of amblyopin children"s parents弱视患儿父母的管教压力及相关因素

14.the pressure distribution and scope are related to the fracture azimuth;压力分布及压力波及范围与裂缝发育方向有关;

15.Research on Occupational Stress and Stressors of Primary and Secondary School PE Teachers;中小学体育教师职业压力及压力源的调查研究

16.Understand Children s Memal World -the wonder of Regeo s children education;走向幼儿内心世界——瑞吉欧幼儿教育的魅力

17.Correlation research on neonatal asphyxia and infant intelligence development新生儿窒息与婴幼儿智力发育相关性研究

18.a (mentally) retarded child智力迟钝 [智能发育不全] 的儿童


Child Stress Theory儿童压力说

1.Professor David Elkind is an American famous psychologist and educationist, hisChild Stress Theory is a systemic and profound research which based on Piaget’s Cognitive Development Psychology.借鉴爱尔坎德的儿童压力说有利于丰富我国学前教育理论,指导教育实践。

3)children time pressure幼儿时间压力

4)child rearing育儿

1.Researches done uponchild rearing have a practical significance for national rejuvenation and development, and a theoretical meaning to the construction and improvement of the system of folklore knowledge.育儿是典型的民俗传承事象之一 ,它衔接着人类的过去、现在与未来。

5)isolette negative pressure apparatus早产婴儿负压保育设备



锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验periodic inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping and special equipmentguolu YOli侧飞扣1 YOli gLJal对印ji tez陌叩劝以拍1 dingqi】,on四n锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验(peri诫c inspectionof城le。,p~切reves-Sels,p~二piPing ands衅过闪uiplr屺nt)为保证设备的安全使用,规定设备必须按一定周期进行法定的、强制性的检验。定期检验由政府设立的检验所、使用单位或行业检验站进行。检验单位及检验人员必须具有与所检设备相适应的资格。设备使用单位应该建立定期检验制度,做好检验计划,按时向检验单位提出申请。检验单位应该保证及时进行检验,检验按有关检验规则进行。检验时,设备使用单位应做好配合工作,提供必要的运行资料。检验完毕,检验单位要出具检验报告,对设备能否使用,要作出明确结论。如设备有缺陷,要提出是否修理、监护使用和报废的处理意见。锅炉压力容器安全监察机构根据检验机构的报告,发使用许可证书。有缺陷的,责令使用单位修理,修理后检验仍不符合安全要求的,则通知报废。使用单位逾期不进行定期检验,锅炉压力容器安全监察机构有权停止其设备运行。(陈亦惠)

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