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步行 walking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-19 19:17:27


步行 walking英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of exercise ofwalking on foot on exercise tolerance in chronic heart failure patients;徒步行走训练对慢性心力衰竭患者运动耐量的影响

2.Effects of reciprocating gait orthosis on cardiopulmonary function and ADL andwalking ability in patients with spinal cord injury;C6—T6脊髓损伤患者应用往复式步行矫形器的疗效分析

3.Application of differentwalking orthoses in the lower thoracic spinal cord injury;不同步行矫形器在下胸段脊髓损伤中的应用探讨


1.travel (especially by foot).旅行(尤其是步行)。

2.Walk, skip, bike or run.步行,跳跃,骑车或跑步。

3.Principle of walk training and walk inside parallel bars步行训练原则和使用平行杠步行训练

4.To inspect(an area) on foot.步行视察(某地区)

5.Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot.祸来如飞行,祸去似步行

6.This path is only for pedestrians.这条路线供步行者通行。

7.Fast Walking Pattern Generation and Simulation for Biped Robot双足步行机器人快速步行与仿真(英文)

8.the length of a single step in marching (taken to be 30 inches for quick time or 36 inches for double time).在行军过程中一步的长度(齐步行步速时为英寸或增倍步速时英寸)。

9.An instrument that gauges the approximate distance traveled on foot by registering the number of steps taken.计步器,步程器一种通过记录所行步数来估测步行近似距离的仪器

10.One who walks from place to place; an itinerant.巡行者,漫步者从一处到另一处步行;巡行者

11.To execute a promenade at a ball or in square dancing.齐步行进在一次舞会或方块舞中实行齐步行进

12.The act or an instance of walking, especially a stroll for pleasure or exercise.散步步行的行为或实例,尤指为享受乐趣或锻炼身体而进行的漫步

13.Period-doubling gait and chaotic gait of biped walking model双足模型步行中的倍周期步态和混沌步态现象

14.Turn right and walk about fifty steps.服务员:出去后向右拐,步行50步。

15.A shady public walk or promenade.林荫路有林荫的公用步行道或散步区

16.Plod suggests a steady pace and trudge suggests greater effortplod有稳步行进之意, trudge指举步更为艰难

17.The trot is a pace of the horse.快步是马行的一种步态。

18.Half pass: A forward and sideways movement at the trot or canter where the horse crosses its legs.横斜步:在进行快步和慢跑步时,两腿交叉迈斜步。



1.On the way forpedestrian system to bring vigor to the community;浅析步行系统应如何焕发社区活力

2.Systematic Design of Commercial Pedestrian;商业步行空间网络化设计初探

3.Elementary Research on Space Form of Pedestrian System;城市步行系统空间形态初探


1.Objective To observe the effects of comprehensive rehabilitation treatment onambulation and balance function in patients with heavy brain injury when the starting time of rehabilitation was delayed.目的观察综合康复训练对康复治疗开始时间延迟的重度脑损伤患者步行与平衡功能的影响。

2.Result After training theambulation of the patients was improved(P<0.目的探讨有针对性的综合康复训练对偏瘫患者步行能力的影响。


1.Urban Space For Walking to Create a User-friendly Atmosphere城市步行空间人性化氛围的营造

2.Objectives To predictwalking function at discharge in patients with first acute stroke.目的 根据发病及入院时资料预测初发急性脑卒中患者出院时的步行能力。

5)walking trip步行出行

6)To go on foot;walk.步行,行走



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