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扣环得分 spike score英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-09 15:21:44


扣环得分 spike score英语短句 例句大全

扣环得分,spike score

1)spike score扣环得分

2)spike scoring扣球得分


1."USA serves out, Brazil wins points by Anna Sanglard"s smashes."美国队发球,巴西队安娜·桑拉德扣球得分。

2.Application of SPA Degrees of Connection in Analysis of Smash Scoring in Powerful Women Volleyball Teams of the World;SPA联系度在世界女排强队扣球得分分析中的应用

3.Kentucky steal Ball and Ron Mercen slams for two.肯塔基队争到球,罗恩默塞扣篮得2分。

4.Is it serve like spike , become leading scorer piece of volleyball match already blocking to make.使发球如同扣球、拦网一样已成为排球比赛中的主要得分手段。

5.The Analyzing Technology and Effect of Smash with Our Country Male Sitting Volleyball;我国男子坐式排球扣球技术、扣球效果分析

6.Brazil would be dead in the water without Mari. 26 kills and 6 blocks!巴西如果没有玛丽安妮将会死得很惨,26分扣球6分拦网!

7.A comparative analysis of spike score and lost between China man volleyball team and their opponents in the 29~(th) Olympic Games对第29届奥运会中国男排与对手扣球得、失分的比较分析

8.We were also tying at fourteen-all until I spiked the next two advantage points that we needed.后来也以14比14打成平手,一直到我扣球后赢得比赛所需要的两分。

9.The team"s center recieved an alley-oop from the guard and slam- dunk the ball for a quick two point.球队中锋接到一个后卫的妙传,他迅速扣篮很快地得到两分。

10.Mark: I saw it, I saw it!Sprewell could do nothing but shut-up and watched as the ball flying right over his head to Rose who slammedit home.马克:我看了,我看了!斯普雷威尔只能傻站在那里看着球飞过头顶,罗斯接球后轻松扣篮得分。

11.Correlation Analysis on Goal Difficulty Setting, Self-efficacy, Internal Motivation and Volleyball Spiking Performance.;目标设置难度与自我效能、内部动机和排球扣球习得水平的关系分析

12.Contrastive analysis on the run-up & takeoff-jump before the drop shot between beach volleyball and indoor volleyball;沙滩排球和室内排球扣球前助跑起跳对比分析

13.Mechanical Analysis and Discussion on Air-striking of Volleyball Smashing;对排球扣球中空中击球环节力学的分析与探讨

14.An Analysis of Wrist Action in Volleyball Smash Through High Speed Video Tape;对排球扣球中腕关节击球动作的高速录像分析

15.Study on the Relationship between the External Load Form and Scoring in Serve Counter Attack of Chinese Women s Volleyball Competitions;中国女排在比赛中主攻手扣球时的外部负荷形式与得分关系的研究

parison and Analysis on the Zhang Xiang and Zheng Liang s Arm Swing in Smash;张翔、郑亮扣球挥臂动作的比较分析

17.Lunge-Smash and Takeoff Skill of Male Volleyball Players:An Analysis from the Perspective of Kinematics;男子排球上步扣球起跳技术的生物力学分析

parative Analysis on Skills of two-foot jumping and one-foot jumping in Volleyball-spiking;单、双脚助跑起跳排球扣球技术的比较分析


spike scoring扣球得分

3)distributed reinforcing loops分布扣环

1.flange installed in two ways: concentrated reinforcing loops anddistributed reinforcing loops.结合铁道部专业设计院项目,24m部分预应力混凝土整孔箱形梁悬臂拼装翼板两种设计方案─集中扣环和分布扣环方案的模型试验,分析了两种类型的悬臂拼装板在重复荷载作用下的挠度变化规律,并求出实用计算公式,为这一新型工程结构的推广使用提供可靠的依据。

4)retaining ring扣环

1.The method and its result of adding theretaining ring on wheel with the wheel hub not removed;不退轮箍加装扣环的方法及效果

2.The feasibility and the technic procedure of addingretaining ring on the Namibiya locomotive wheel are described.介绍了出口纳米比亚机车轮箍加装扣环的可行性和工艺试验过程,指出扣环热定型工艺的方法是可行的。

3.Because the assembly locomotive wheel which is widely used in our country may cause the digression and subversion accident because of the rim relaxation, which badly affects the safety of the railage, this article brings forward the method that adds a safetyretaining ring to the rim of the assembly locomotive wheel, which can effectively prevent the serious accident such as locomotive.针对我国机车广泛采用的组装式机车轮对,可能因轮箍弛缓造成的机车脱轨事故、颠覆,影响铁路运输安全的问题,本文提出给组装式机车轮对轮箍加装安全扣环。

5)coupling collar扣环

1.Modal analysis of locomotive wheelset equipped withcoupling collar;机车轮对加装扣环后的模态分析

2.For the purpose of preventing against relaxation of train wheels, Zhengzhou railway station brought forward the project of equippingcoupling collar on train wheels, which could prevent against the serious accident after putting on practice.为了防止内燃机车轮箍弛缓造成的机车脱轨事故,郑州铁路局机务处提出了给组装式机车轮对轮箍加装扣环的方案。




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