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育婴堂 foundling hospital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-11 20:13:43


育婴堂 foundling hospital英语短句 例句大全

育婴堂,foundling hospital

1)foundling hospital育婴堂

1.Before the foundation of People′s Republic of China,infant education adopted the form of family oral education;In late Qing Dynasty,special infant education organizations appeared,which were calledfoundling hospital;At the end of Qing Dynasty,kindergarten sponsoned by churches appeared in some places;After Xinhai Revolution,kindergartens sponsoned by Kuom.通过查阅大量历史文献及相关资料,对武陵地区幼儿教育发展历程作了详细的回顾:建国前武陵地区的幼儿教育主要以非正规的家庭口传教育为主,清朝后期开始出现专门的幼教机构:育婴堂,清末部分地区出现由教会主办的幼稚园,辛亥革命后开始出现由国民政府或民间组织主办的幼稚园。


1.The Business Condition and the effects of Yuyintang at the End of the Qing Dynasty--Taking Wuyuan Yuyintang as an Example清末育婴堂的经营实况及育婴效果——以婺源育婴堂为例

2.When she was building her first foundling asylum, what was he doing?她造第一间育婴堂的时候,他干吗去了?

3.From Orphanage to Charity: Crisis and Change of Traditional Charity in the Republic of China, A Case Study of Orphanage in Baoding;从育婴堂到救济院:民国时期传统慈善事业的危机与转型——以保定育婴堂研究为中心

4.State and Society in the Charitable Organizations during the Qing Dynasty:A study on the Yuying Tang,Puji Tang,Guangren Tang and Fengbei Yicang in Suzhou city;清代慈善组织中的国家与社会——以苏州育婴堂、普济堂、广仁堂和丰备义仓为中心

5.The man carried me to the foundling asylum, where I was registered under the number 37.那个人把我抱到育婴堂里,在那儿,我被编为五十七号。

6.On top of this I was accused of employing toothless and incompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling hospital when I was warden.在这些控告之上,还有人竟控告我在负责育婴堂事务时雇用老掉了牙的、昏庸的亲戚给育婴堂做饭。

7.Cooperation between Official and Civil Social Welfare Institutions in Baoqing Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty;清代宝庆府社会救济机构建设中的官民合作——以育婴堂和养济院为中心

8.They converted the study into a nursery when the baby was born.婴儿出生时,他们把书房改成了育婴室。

9.To care for or nurture in infancy.抚养在婴儿期照料或养育婴儿

10.isolette negative pressure apparatus早产婴儿负压保育设备

11.National Breast-feeding Support Programme全国母乳育婴支助方案

12.She nourished her baby with milk.她用牛奶养育婴儿。

13.Clone baby for infertile couples为不育夫妇克隆婴儿

14.They convert the study into a nursery when the baby is borne .当婴儿出生的时候,他们将书房改为育婴室。

15.someone who runs an establishment that houses and cares for babies for a fee.经营一家育婴院为了报酬而照看婴儿的人。

16.Any discrimination against women giving birth to female baby or women of infertility is forbidden.禁止歧视、虐待生育女婴和不育的妇女。

17.Premature babies are kept alive in incubators.早产婴儿放在保育箱里保育。

18.Effect of early education on infant intelligence development.;早期教育对婴儿智能发育的影响研究



1.FromOrphanage to Charity: Crisis and Change of Traditional Charity in the Republic of China, A Case Study ofOrphanage in Baoding;从育婴堂到救济院:民国时期传统慈善事业的危机与转型——以保定育婴堂研究为中心

2.On Late Qing Dynasty s Policy for ChurchOrphanage;这种政策先后包含取缔或稽查教会育婴堂、稽查教会育婴堂、由地方官府和民间兴办育婴堂与教会育婴堂相竞争三种类型 ,呈现出节节退让、逐步放松的特点。


1.Theinfant-raising business is the behavior that help those deserted children and the children whose families cannot bring them up, thus it is the most popular charitable movement in Qing dynasty.育婴事业是对父母无力养育或遭遗弃的婴孩进行抚养与资助的一种慈善行为,是清代最为流行的善举。

4)nongovernmental baby-nursing民间育婴

5)infant-raising business育婴事业

1.In this article,the writer tried to understand the relationship between nation and society in the Qing Dynasty by the use of exchange network,meanwhile, to check the theory using some positive materials about resource-exchange between the authority and the elite, the elite and the mass in theinfant-raising business in Jiangxi Province.运用交换网络理论来理解清代国家与地方社会之间的关系,并且以江西育婴事业中官府与精英、精英与民众之间的资源交换这一实证材料来检验该理论,结果证明该理论具有一定的解释力。

6)infant development婴儿发育

1.Mother-to-infant HBV transmission andinfant development in pregnant women during lamivudine therapy:a retrospective investigation of 15 cases;拉米夫定治疗期间15例妊娠妇女母婴HBV传播及婴儿发育的回顾性调查



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