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农民新村 new peasant village英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-26 06:42:01


农民新村 new peasant village英语短句 例句大全

农民新村,new peasant village

1)new peasant village农民新村

1.The basic meaning to buildnew peasant village is to make the soil yield to the most limit and create more comfortable living condition through recombining the soil.农民新村是新型的农村居民聚居点,是在城市化进程背景下产生的新型农民聚居形态。

2)New immigrants of rural areas农村新移民


1.Using Scientific Development View to Solve the Social Integration Problem of Rural New Migrants科学发展观视角下的农村新移民社会融合问题的解决

2.Renewed Emigration in Mountainous Rural Areas and Social Transformation of Areas with High Emigration Incidence;山区农村海外新移民与侨乡社会变迁

3.The Cultivation of New Kind of Farmers in the Situation of Rural Labor Force Transfer;农村劳动力外移背景下的新型农民培育

4.Construction of Spiritual Civilization in the Socialist New Countryside and Changes of Social Folk Customs;新农村精神文明建设与社会民俗的移易

5.The New Overseas Migrants and Rural Social Changes after Reform and Opening-up;改革开放后海外新移民与农村社会变迁

6.ON Several thought of new countryside construction in Ningxia Autonomous Region;宁夏生态移民区新农村建设的几点思考

7.New Oversea Emigrants and Its Impacts on the Cultural Changes in Contemporary Rural Areas: A Case Analysis of J Village in Fujian Province;海外新移民与当代农村文化变迁——基于福建沿海J村的调查分析

8.Characteristics of Rural Labor Emigration in Minority Areas of Honghe,Yunnan and Its Impact on New Socialist Countryside Construction in The 21st Century;新时期云南红河少数民族地区农村劳动力转移特征及其对新农村建设的影响

9.Creating Agricultural Vocational Education and Serving Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry;创新农业职业教育 服务农业农村农民

10.A Study on Realization of New Socialist Countryside for Spontaneous Migration in Minority Areas--An Empirical Analysis Based on Spontaneous Migration Areas in Yunnan Province民族地区自发移民对新农村建设的认识研究——基于云南移民聚集区的实证分析

11.Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor and Increase of Farmers Income;农村剩余劳动力转移与农民收入增加

12.Discussion on Vocational Education of Farmers and the Transition of Surplus Labor Force in the Countryside;农民职业教育与农村剩余劳动力转移

13.Transfer of the Spare Labour Force of the Countryside and Increase of Peasants Income;农村富余劳动力转移与农民收入增加

14.Empirical Analysis on Shifting the Rural Labor and Increasing Peasants’ Income农村劳动力转移与农民增收实证研究

15.Research on Theories of Rural Migration in China--A New Explanation to Shortage of Rural Labor;中国农村人口迁移模型探索——一个对“民工荒”现象新的解释

16.On Farmer Subject Vacancy and Transfer of Rural Labor in "Empty Nest" Villages“空巢”村农民主体缺位与农村劳动力转移

17.Market town construction is a feasible way to transfer and settle the countryside migration in Three gorges reservoir district.三峡库区农村移民集镇化是较为可行的农村移民搬迁安置方式。

18.Country s Urbanization:the New View on the Farmers Citizenization;农村城市化:农民市民化研究的新视角


New immigrants of rural areas农村新移民

3)new peasant village vernacular house农民新村民居

4)A New Countryside Needing New Farmers新农村呼吁新农民


1.The paper introduces the current situation and characteristics of land-use for housing byvillagers, and goes on looking at some problems,such as irrational distribution; paying no attention to scientific land use; many illegal land-use cases and no national-uniform charge standard.本文以福建省农村村民建房用地的情况为例 ,分析了农村村民建房用地的现状和特点。

6)new peasant villages农村新村



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