天天育儿网 > 砀山酥梨花期 Forescence of Dangshan crisp pear英语短句 例句大全

砀山酥梨花期 Forescence of Dangshan crisp pear英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-02 11:02:57


砀山酥梨花期 Forescence of Dangshan crisp pear英语短句 例句大全

砀山酥梨花期,Forescence of Dangshan crisp pear

1)Forescence of Dangshan crisp pear砀山酥梨花期


1.Risk Assessment Method of Cold Damage to Florescence of Dangshan Crisp Pear in Old Course of the Yellow River黄河故道砀山酥梨花期低温冷害风险的评估方法初探

2.Effects of 1-MCP treatment on superficial scald of Dangshansu pear1-MCP对砀山酥梨黑皮病发生的影响

3.Study on Hybrid Seeds Cultivation Key Technologies of Dangshan Pear砀山酥梨杂交种子育苗关键技术研究

4.Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Postharvest Physiology and Superficial Scald of Dangshansu Pear with Different Maturity1-MCP处理对不同采收期砀山酥梨贮藏生理和黑皮病的影响

5.Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Dangshansu Pear Cold Storage of Different Harvest1-MCP处理对不同采收期砀山酥梨冷藏效果的影响

6.Study on the pear germplasm resources in Dangshan area,Anhui province by AFLP technology安徽砀山酥梨自然保护区梨种质资源AFLP分析

7.Ultra High-pressure (UHP) Treatment of Dangshan Pear Juices and Enhancement Methods;砀山酥梨汁超高压处理和降压措施的研究

8.Study on Germplasm Resources of Pear Cultivated in the Protection Section of Dangshan Anhui by ISSR Technique;安徽砀山酥自然保护区梨种质资源的ISSR研究

9.Effect of Nitric Oxide on Keeping Fresh of Postharvest "Dang Shan Su" Pears;一氧化氮处理对采后砀山酥梨保鲜效果的研究

10.Study on the Forecasting System for Dangshansu Pear Scab Based on Case-based Reasoning;基于案例推理的砀山酥梨黑星病预测系统研究

11.Study on Expert System of Nutrition Diagnosis and Correction for Dangshansu Pear;砀山酥梨营养诊断与矫治专家系统研究

12.Study on the Effect of Chitosan Coating Treatment on Dangshan Pear Fresh-keeping壳聚糖涂膜对砀山酥梨保鲜效果的研究

13.Construction of a SSH Library of Dangshansu Pear Leaves Inoculated with Venturia Nashicola and Zaosu Pear NPR1 Gene Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression砀山酥梨的梨黑星病菌诱导消减文库构建及早酥梨NPR1基因克隆与原核表达

14.Research on Nonenzymatic Browning and Control Technology of Dangshan Pear Juice Concentrate;浓缩砀山酥梨汁非酶促褐变机理及其控制技术研究

15.Research on Forecasting System for Dangshansu Pear Based on CBR and Virtual Instrument;基于案例推理与虚拟仪器的砀山酥梨黑星病预测系统研究

16.The Effects of Light Intensity on the Physiological Metabolism during Stone Cell Developing of Dangshan Pear;光强对砀山酥梨石细胞发育过程生理代谢的影响

17.Anatomical Study on Stone Cell and Preliminary Analysis of Synthesis Pathway of Lignin in Pyrus Bretschneideri Cv.砀山酥梨果实石细胞解剖学研究及木质素合成途径的初步分析

18.Design and development of a decision making support system of integrated prevention and cure for Dangshansu pear scab砀山酥梨黑星病综合防治决策支持系统的设计与实现


Dangshan pear砀山酥梨

1.Effect of limenitrogen on flower bud germination ofDangshan pear;石灰氮对砀山酥梨花芽萌发的效应初探

2.Effects of the artificial low temperature on the dormant buds and shoots ofDangshan pear in the central part of Yunnan;人工低温对滇中砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝的效应

3.Preservation effect of cinnamon essential oil and its mixture with chitosan and calcium chloride onDangshan pear;肉桂精油及其复配物对砀山酥梨保鲜效果

3)Dangshan Suli pear砀山酥梨

1.Effects of bagging on the quality ofDangshan Suli pear in Dangshan area;果实套袋对砀山地区砀山酥梨果实品质的影响

4)Dangshan crisp pear砀山酥梨

1.Enhancing effects of microbial fertilizer onDangshan crisp pear quality.;应用微生物肥料提高砀山酥梨品质的研究

2.Research on the Improvement of the Export Competitiveness of Dangshan Crisp Pear;提高砀山酥梨出口竞争力研究

3.Dangshan Crisp Pear is an important resource of pear fruit,but at present there exists a series of problems during production,such as : oversized cultivation area,too high annual output,decentralized management,insufficient formalization and intensification,low technology content,insufficient mechanization,inadequate organization in marketing,inefficient selling information and low price.砀山酥梨是我国重要水果资源,目前在生产中存在栽培面积过大,年产量过高,管理分散,规模化、集约化程度不够,科技含量低,机械化程度不高,在销售中存在组织化程度不足,销售信息不灵,销售价格偏低等一系列问题。

5)Dangshansu pear砀山酥梨

1.Establishment of AFLP technique system forDangshansu pear and its variants determination;砀山酥梨AFLP技术体系建立及变异检测

2.Effect of bagging with different types of bags on fruit quality ofDangshansu pear cultivar;不同果袋对砀山酥梨果实品质的影响

3.The study on the forecasting system forDangshansu pear scab based on CBR;基于案例推理的砀山酥梨黑星病预测系统研究


1.A Study on the Rooting of Virus-freePyrus.spp Shoots in Vessel;砀山酥梨脱病毒苗瓶内生根的研究

2.Effect of Light Intensity for Formation of Stone Cell and Correlation between Activity of Endogenous IAA,ZR and ABA and Formation of Stone Cell inPyrus.spp;光强对砀山酥梨石细胞形成的影响及其与内源IAA、ZR和ABA含量的关系



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