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律动教学方法 cadence teaching method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-22 17:48:05


律动教学方法 cadence teaching method英语短句 例句大全

律动教学方法,cadence teaching method

1)cadence teaching method律动教学方法

1.This paper mainly discusses the application ofcadence teaching method in music curriculum.主要阐述了律动教学方法在音乐课程中的运用。


1.The Application of Cadence Teaching Method in Music Teaching浅谈音乐教学中律动教学方法的运用

2.Basic Principle on Creating Teaching and Learning Means of the Physical Education Skill Motion;体育技术动作教学方法创新的基本规律

3.On the legal method in the perspective of legal education;法学教育视野内的法律方法——法律思维的视角

4.Ways and Methods to Improve Courses of "Legal Basis" Teaching at Colleges and Universities;改进高校“法律基础”教学的途径和方法

5.The law character that sound out the university method educates the angle of view bottom learns the teaching methods法律素质培养视角下的大学法学教学方法

6.Redesigning the Teaching Object and Method of College Legal English --Let the Situational Interactive English Immersion Approach Get into the Classroom;高校法律英语教学目标及方法再设计——让全英文互动情景教学法走进课堂

7.On the Teaching Law of Action Skills Formingin Passing Volleyballs Frontally with Hands;排球正面双手上手传球动作技能的形成规律及教学方法

8.Legal Thinking,Legal Education and Legal Logic Teaching;法律思维、法学教育与法律逻辑学教学

9.The Teaching Method and Model of the Ideology and the Morality Course;《思想道德修养》课教学的规律与方法

10.Training Method of Practical Teaching of Legal Professional Skills法律职业技能的实践性教学培养方式

11.The Teaching Methods of Law in Higher Vocational Education;深化法律高职教育教学方法改革问题探讨

12.The Combination Of Law s Teaching、Researching And Literature;法律教学、研究与文学的结合——一种法学教学研究的进路与方法

13.Brief analysis of legal English characteristic and study method-Concurrent discussion of legal English teaching reform in college;浅析法律英语的特点和学习方法——兼谈高校法律英语教学改革

14.Elementary discussion on the teaching methods of legal education in China--Enlightenment of clinical legal education浅谈中国法学教育教学方法——诊所式法律教育的启示

15.The Law and Methods of Doing Scientific Research Shown in Physical Chemistry Teaching;物理化学教学中体现的科学研究规律和方法

16.A Probe into the Teaching Method for Legal Education in the Course Ideological and Moral Cultivation and its Legal Basis;《思想道德修养与法律基础》课中法律知识的教学方法探析

17.Research of Geography Regularity and Teaching Method for Geography Teaching Material for Grade 10;高一地理教材地理规律及其教学方法研究

18.The Choice and Teaching Method of Typical Legislation Science Case立法学典型案例的选择及其教学方法——以诊所式法律教育为视角


teaching methods of criminal law刑事法律教学方法

1.By investigating the importance of criminal law to legal education in universities and analyzing its embodyment in the textbook"Thought morals tutelage and legal foundation",I make preliminary exploration and research on theteaching methods of criminal law,aim at deepening the students understanding of the criminal law,reducing and putting an end to the students involvement in illegal events.本文通过对刑事法律在高校法制教育中的重要性的阐述和在"思想道德修养与法律基础"教材中的体现的分析,对刑事法律教学方法进行了初步的探索和研究,旨在加强大学生的刑事法律观念,减少和尽可能的杜绝大学生涉法事件的发生。

3)teaching methods of English法律英语教学方法

4)rhythm teaching律动教学

5)law teaching法律教学

1.Case teaching methodology, which pays attention to summing up reasoning, has been proved a kind of effective means to carry onlaw teaching and to train outstanding law talents in developed countries, such as U.案例教学法注重归纳推理,是美国等发达国家进行法律教学、培养优秀法律人才、并已为实践证明的一种有效手段。

2.Simulation training is an often used and effective method in thelaw teaching.模拟训练是法律教学中经常采用且有效的一种教学方式,本文着重探讨模拟训练的主要类型及开展模拟训练时应注意的几个问题。




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