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小韵 XiaoYun英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-03 17:14:49


小韵 XiaoYun英语短句 例句大全



1.The Collation Notes onXiaoYun of Hong Wu Zheng Yun;《洪武正韵》小韵校勘札记


1.Textual research to the syllables which were cut from <Guang-yun>By Chen Li <Qie-yun-kao>;陈澧《切韵考》所删《广韵》小韵考

2.The Character of Ji Yun"s Phonological System-from the Contrast of Ji Yun and Guang Yun从《集韵》与《广韵》小韵的比较看《集韵》音系的特点

3.Investigation on the Characteristics of the Sound on Ji Yun by means of Comparison with xiao yun of Guang Yun;从与《广韵》的小韵对比看《集韵》反映语音的特点

parison of the Vowels in Wangsan and Guangyun《王三》《广韵》小韵切语异同比较

5.It is not in accordance with the law of the development of phonetics that Wei(?) is listed under Lei Rhyme(泪小韵) of falling tone in Qi Wei Rhyme(齐微韵) in Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韵).《中原音韵》中,"?"列于"齐微"韵去声"泪"小韵下,不符合语音演变规律。

6.A New Analysis of Two Syllable antitheses under the Six Rhyme Categories Three Initial Consonants in Wu-fang yuan-yin(五方元音);《五方元音》六韵三母下两套小韵对立新论

7.Study of Amendments to Qie Yun Existtent;王仁昫《刊谬补缺切韵》韵目小注研究

8.Alliteration occurs when the initial sounds of a word, beginning either with a consonant or a vowel, are repeated in close succession.小窗,我不知你说的起韵是不是指头韵,如果是的话,应该和尾音无关。。

9.Her complexion was sallow; and her features small, without beauty.她皮肤病黄,五官细小,毫无风韵可言。

10.a poem consisting of 3 stanzas and an envoy.一首诗包括三小节和一个韵脚。

11.On the Inner Meaning and Rhythm Beauty of the Japanese Classical Poetry Okula-100 Poems with Each from 100 Poets Respectively;日本古典诗集《小仓百人一首》的意韵美

12.The Tragic Delineation of Females in Jiang Yun s Fiction and Their Literary Significance;蒋韵小说女性悲情书写及其文学意义

13.A Supplement to the Etymologies of Han Yu Da Ci Dian ──A discovery made in reading Guang Yun;《汉语大词典》词语溯源小补──读《广韵》杂记

14.The Flowing Charm --Talking about the Artistic Track Su Tong s novels;流动的神韵——谈苏童小说的创作轨迹

15.Unrhymed Poetry:on Woolf"s Poeticized Fiction无韵诗章:论伍尔夫小说的诗化特质

16.a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse; usually rhymed.诗中包括两行连续诗句的小节;通常是押韵的。

17.On the Central Status and Adjustment Function of Clauses in Chinese Prosodic Hierarchy汉语韵律层级中小句的中枢地位和调节作用

18.The Traditional Style and Gnosis of Life--The Main Features of A-cheng s Novels;传统的神韵与生命的感悟——谈阿城小说的特色


Jiang Yun"s fiction蒋韵小说

3)sound with different phonological positions异置小韵

4)simple explanations韵目小注

1.In spite of their small number andsimple explanations, these notes are an indispensable material and approach to help us understand the Books of .在现存的三种王仁昫《刊谬补缺切韵》写本中,其韵目之下都存有小注,这就是著名的王氏韵目小注。

5)first word syllables小韵首字

6)Basic Knowledge on the Word "YUN""韵"字小识



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