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经验智力 experiential intelligence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-04 02:18:20


经验智力 experiential intelligence英语短句 例句大全

经验智力,experiential intelligence

1)experiential intelligence经验智力

1.Based on the theory of neural intelligence,experiential intelligence,and reflective intelligence,this paper gave a specific introduction of David Perkins\"s true intelligence,and a discussed the mutual amplificative and mutual compensative relationships among them,and then presented some arguments over true intelligence.本文从帕金斯的神经智力、经验智力和反省智力理论出发,详细阐述了他的真智力理论,并探讨了这三者之间相互强化、相互补偿的协作关系。

2)experiential intelligence经验性智力

3)Intelligence test智力测验

1.Intelligence tests and theories should be reciprocally improve each other,but the current intellectual assessment techniques can not be well linked to contemporary theories of intelligence.智力测验和理论应该是相互促进的,但目前的智力评估技术与理论缺乏很好的联系。

2.This paper introduces the present si tuation of modern intelligence test research,sums up the problems existing in i ntelligence test,puts forward c orresponding countermeasures,and makes analysi s on and prospect for th e tendency of psychological test research.介绍了当前智力测验研究的现状,总结了智力测验存在的问题,提出了相应的对策,并对心理测验研究的趋势做出了分析与展望。

3.Methods The psychomotor function test and intelligence test have been done for 248 children whose age are between 6 to 13 in Zhashui county.方法对柞水县 248例 6~13岁抽样儿童进行精神运动功能检查与韦氏智力测验,并对两类测验的结果进行相关分析。


1.A nonverbal intelligence test.不使用语言的智力测验

2.Binet-Simon intelligence scale比奈-西蒙智力测验表

3.Cattell infant intelligence scale卡塔尔婴儿智力测验表

4.Army Group Examination Beta军队乙种团体智力测验

5.Army Group Examination Alpha军队甲种团体智力测验

6.Multi Level Edition of the Lorge Thorndike Intelligence Tests罗桑多层次智力测验

7.child assessment centre儿童体能智力测验中心

8.A Review of Researches on the Intelligence Test and IQ in Recent Twenty Years;近二十年智力、智力测验及智商研究述评

9.Traditonal Binet I Q Test and the New Development Of I Q Test传统比奈式智商测验和智力测验的新发展

10.Do IQ tests really measure how smart you are?智力测验真的能测出你有多聪明吗?

11.A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Intelligence Scale for Junior and the Wechsler Child s Intelligence Scale Revised for Chinese;中国少年智力测验与韦氏儿童智力测验对照分析

12.Can I ask about your attitude to intelligence test ?请问您对智力测验有什么看法。

13.The boy be give an intelligence test .那些孩子们接受了智力测验。

14.Dick: I think I faild the Intelligence Text . . I could answer sixteen of the questions.迪克: 我想我的智力测验不及格。

15.Could I ask about your attitude to intelligence tests?请问您对智力测验有什么看法?

16.I think I failed the Intelligence Test.我想我的智力测验没及格。

17.Pamela Youde Child Assessment Centre (Kwun Tong)尤德夫人儿童体能智力测验中心(观塘)

18.Arran Street Child Assessment Centre鸦兰街儿童体能智力测验中心


experiential intelligence经验性智力

3)Intelligence test智力测验

1.Intelligence tests and theories should be reciprocally improve each other,but the current intellectual assessment techniques can not be well linked to contemporary theories of intelligence.智力测验和理论应该是相互促进的,但目前的智力评估技术与理论缺乏很好的联系。

2.This paper introduces the present si tuation of modern intelligence test research,sums up the problems existing in i ntelligence test,puts forward c orresponding countermeasures,and makes analysi s on and prospect for th e tendency of psychological test research.介绍了当前智力测验研究的现状,总结了智力测验存在的问题,提出了相应的对策,并对心理测验研究的趋势做出了分析与展望。

3.Methods The psychomotor function test and intelligence test have been done for 248 children whose age are between 6 to 13 in Zhashui county.方法对柞水县 248例 6~13岁抽样儿童进行精神运动功能检查与韦氏智力测验,并对两类测验的结果进行相关分析。

4)Intelligence tests智力测验

1.Analysis of Roles of Intelligence Tests in Diagnosis of Learning Disability智力测验在学业不良诊断中的作用探析

2.\ Methods\ One hundred and seventy six school children with learning difficulty underwent intelligence tests with C WISC and an analysis was done for the reasons.②方法对 176例在校中小学学生学业落后者进行智力测验及学业落后原因分析。

3.Not only do psychologists hold various views about it the common people also vary in their understanding of it The enormous different opinions on the meaning of intelligence are obviously reflected in intelligence tests.智力内涵的这种巨大分歧可以明显反映在国内外有关智力测验的工作中,因此,梳理智力测验的发展历史可以帮助我们更好地理解智力概念的深刻内涵。

5)Psychometric test智力测验

1.The diagnostic value of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis determined by VEP andPsychometric test;视觉诱发电位联合智力测验对亚临床肝性脑病的诊断价值

6)intelligence test智力试验



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